Sunday, August 31, 2014

LOVE (a common word to say)

Thoughts of tonight: What is love for me?


You'll know it when you feel it, you can't prevent it, you can't control it.
You can ignore it, but not for so long. Like, there's something just so sharp inside your heart.. Tearing you from the inside. You have to pull out the thorn. You have to notice it, however.

It's like an...ecstasy. You feel like denying the gravity. You'll never have enough. You'll keep wanting for more, once you've had the taste of it.

But love... You can't guarantee that it will last forever. That what scares many people, will it last? Or just temporarily? Like it's passing by?
It scares us, how will we cope the feeling of loss... How will you live without your love? How do you start again, rise again, after all of that time together, while the shadow of loneliness haunt you to sleep.

To live in the present, is important. To appreciate everything we have now, right at this time, this exact second. Maybe we don't know what the future would be. We won't know if love will keep staying there or just go after all. But just, live in this time. Open your eyes, stop living in your own mind, feel more alive.

Kiss more, feel more, say more of your feelings. Let them know. Because tomorrow, everything may change. Don't let those important words unsaid.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Delirium (quote)

Snapshots, moments, mere seconds:
     as fragile and beautiful and hopeless as a single butterfly, flapping on against a gathering wind.

-From Delirium, a book written by Lauren Oliver

Thursday, August 14, 2014

"But You Didn't"

-unknown source

About Me

Aku adalah pengamat dan pemikir, di dalam lautan ketidakpedulian
Aku adalah pengagum langit malam, dengan bintang-bintang bertaburan
Aku pernah melihat dan berharap pada bintang jatuh, yang mungkin membuatnya terjatuh makin cepat

Aku adalah apa yang kalian ketahui

Aku punya sedikit rahasia yang hanya sedikit orang tahu
Aku orang yang  sering merindu, tentang segala sesuatu

Aku mungkin puitis, mungkin romantis

 Aku suka membayangkan tentang dunia lain
Aku sangat benci perasaan bersalah

Aku adalah orang biasa, sama seperti kalian

Aku adalah salah seorang dari ribuan, jutaan, milyaran lainnya yang suka berpikir tentang hidup.

Aku adalah.... aku.